New designs coming soon: Almaguin 400 & 500 utility runabouts

EDIT 6-Aug-2010: These designs are now available!

A couple of new designs are almost ready to leave my drawing board. The Almaguin 400 and 500 are versatile 4- and 5-metre utility runabouts, designed with cottagers, anglers and day trippers in mind.

When heavily loaded (190 and 415 kg “official recommended” capacities, respectively), they will be versatile working boats, capable of hauling heaps of crew and gear on inland lakes, rivers and protected coastal waters. After offloading the cargo and surplus crew, and opening the throttle, they will act more like racing hulls- capable of towing waterskiers and pushing 30-knot speeds in flat water. (Being high-sided, they present too much windage to keep up with real racing hulls in calm water.) They are built in taped-seam plywood, and do not require elaborate jigs or high-precision carpentry. They should offer a smoother and drier ride in rough conditions than many of their mass-produced aluminum counterparts.

The interior layout will be up to the builder, although a few possible options will be suggested on the plans. Either of the Almaguins can be built with a centre console, side console or tiller steering, with longitudinal or transverse seating (or even a very small cabin) as the builder desires. The full bulkheads shown in the renderings below can be cut down to suit the chosen layout (provided, of course, that the remainder of the bulkhead is adequately reinforced).

These two will be added to my stock plans page later this month, once the final drawings are complete. Interested potential builders are encouraged to contact me for further details.




Topside flare

Hi Matt,

What's your logic to the plumb sided topsides? Do you think there should be some flare, particularly forward?

Best Regards,


Topsides flare

Matthew's picture


A bit more flare could have some benefits- most notably a bit less spray coming aboard when powering into a head sea. I do like the look of flared topsides, if they can be kept fair (not always an easy task for a first-time builder working in sheet plywood, as would likely be the case for these boats). Significant flare would involve twisting the side panels a bit more than I'd like, given that these are meant to be quick-build utility boats for less skilled builders.

In this case, I've elected to push the chines out to the full width of the boat for better initial stability and a wider running surface (thus better low-speed planing). From my experience with similar boats, I think there's enough flare in the bow and enough of a chine / spray rail that the Almaguins should be drier than most of their counterparts in a head sea. The aesthetic issues involved with plumb sides are a matter of taste; personally, I've come to like the look as my Phil Bolger runabout is somewhat similar in appearance from the spray rails up.

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